Your health is a vital thing to take care of while you’re away! Getting ill can ruin an amazing experience so be sure to be prepared before you go. We’re not trained medical experts, so a travel clinic or doctor will be the best people to speak with as they’ll be able to give you up to date, accurate medical advice that is relevant to your circumstances.
The information below is provided to help steer you in the right direction:
- Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes and you cannot be vaccinated against it.
- There is a high risk of malaria all year round in Uganda.
- You can help to avoid mosquito bites by covering up as much as possible in the evenings, using insect repellents on exposed skin and sleeping under a treated mosquito net. Mozi coils and citronella candles can be lit in the evenings to help keep the pests away.
- Check with your doctor or nurse about suitable anti-malarial tablets. As a general rule in Uganda the stronger and more effective tablets the better. There are many different types with some side-effects so please discuss this with your doctor.
- Remember malaria can develop up to one year after exposure, so if you do develop a fever or symptoms of malaria then seek medical advice to be on the safe side.
Yellow Fever
- Yellow fever Immunization is compulsory to enter Uganda (particularly if travelling from an infected area) and you need to prove that you have been inoculated.
- Please note that yellow fever vaccinations take approximately 10 days to take effect.
- There are high levels of HIV/AIDS infection in Africa which is predominantly transmitted through sexual activity so don’t worry about general contact with infected people.
- Exposure to blood, blood products or bodily fluids may put you at risk of becoming infected.
- If you believe you have been put at risk please visit a doctor or tell your in-country team straightaway, as there are treatments that can limit your chances of becoming infected but they need to be administered quickly. Don’t take risks with your health in Africa.